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Luna Sprout
Hogsmeade, England
First year, Slytherin
27,7 cm aspen wood and thunderbird tail feather
Hi there! I'm Luna Xiomara Sprout (but most people just write Luna Sprout or call me Luna). I have blonde hair and pale skin. I also have green eyes. I am 11 years old.

My favourite animal is an owl so I am very excited to get one of my own.
My favourite colour is green and I am in Slytherin.

I am quite brave. I am very confident and a bit bossy. I am also a chatterbox. I am clever and always have my hand up in class.

One day, I wish to defeat all of the bad wizards out there. If I don't do that, I would like to work as a teacher in this school.

My first spark of magic was when I was indoors and I had just had a fight with my parents, then suddenly, I got so angry that I must have sparked something in me because the next thing I knew, was that my parents were drenched in water. My parents said that it was time for me to come here, and here I am!

I am half-blood but both of my parents are wizards: it was one of my grandparents that was a muggle. Sadly, they are not with us today. I wish they were, so they could see me join Hogwarts. She was my best friend, Gran was, and was always there for me. But then she died. She was killed by a wizard. It was an accident - one of Grandpa's friends accidentally hit her whilst they were duelling with their enemy down a secret alley. I think about her sometimes.

I'm babbling now, aren't I? I do that a lot. Anyway, I can't wait to join Hogwarts and make some friends! I hope to see you soon!
- Luna Sprout