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Alec Mason
12 Apr 2008
Bristol, England
Sixth year, Gryffindor
33,6 cm reed wood and phoenix feather
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Open || Let me know if you're interested in thread with me, I promise I don't bite!

Activity/Reply speed || Unknown || taking a mini writing break as of 5/29/2024
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-By Owl
-On discord writingintoobscenehours
The fourteen year old has naturally pale skin that could be compared to the color of ivory. This is more apparent during colder seasons, as when it's warmer out, Alec is usually outdoors, and his skin tans a slightly darker shade because of it. Alec has blue eyes. His face a rounder oval shape, though not dragging out as if like at heart at the end. His hair the color of a medium chestnut brown, an almost always curly and untamable mess.

His appearance often tend to looks as it he was frazzled or as if he was in a wreck because of his messy hair. Though it was clear he tried to look nice with his clothing, combing out the wrinkles every so often.
His usual attire would tend to be some sort of sweater, and his naturally ripped jeans.

Often times his fingernails painted with black nail polish. And more often than not a wolf pin could be found pinned to the side of his pants. If not there, it could be found upon anything near him as if he kept it close for luck.
Here are some traits to give you a quick overview:
How Alec acts around people: Sociable(friendly), reliable, reserved, loyal, protective, dependent, meddlesome, resentful.

This has a mix of both how he'll act with his friends and with strangers. He's confident enough to the point where instead of standing to the side of a room at an event, he'll try to make conversation and get to know people. Alec is rather sociable and friendly with whoever he is around, he likes to make jokes, and he enjoys getting to know new people. Alec being an introvert does mean even as much as he likes doing these things, it can be draining for him and he'll need to take time to himself.

Alec is the type to be punctual, or early, and rarely ever late when showing up to places(unless he's caught up painting his nails). He is reliable in the sense that if he says he will do something for another person he's not one to break that promise. Alec is the type of person to drop everything to go and help another person. Putting their needs before his own. And often his moments of bravery are fueled by those around him, in recognizing someone is in trouble, hurt, or needs the help of someone else battling by their side.

He is extremely loyal and while it's a good trait, it has a tendency to land him into trouble. He can end up befriending the wrong sort of people and sticking to them because their friends. It's also a trait that can be easily manipulated by the use of people he cares about. One he makes incredibly obvious as well.

He has a tendency to be protective over those who cares about. Since he isn't close with a lot of people he wants to make sure that the ones he is close with are okay. It's likely he'd fight against anyone who dare soil your name. Bringing up the fact that he again doesn't have a ton of friends, the one he does have he is often very dependent on. Alec can become clingy because of this. His inner people-pleaser doesn't help any either.

Alec being dependent and clingy with people, especially protective, it means he can get meddlesome in other people's issues. Even if he was told directly to stay out of it...

And of course, resentful! Not something to be expected out of Alec. He forgives easily, but he often holds onto the idea of disliking a person. He needs the idea of disliking that person who did wrong to him rather than legitimately disliking them.

The base of who he is(things even strangers would be likely to know): disorderly, impulsive, competitive, determined, intelligent, thoughtful, intuitive, stubborn, clever, hyperactive, absentminded, chatterbox, daring, sarcastic, self-conscious, nerve, studious, leaderly, procrastinating

Alec is a mess of a person. Always has been, always will be. He has trouble with keeping himself and his space organized. Often he is the type to put one thing on a desk, then another and another, and let it pile until it stresses him out and he has to clean it. He's the type who takes pretty steadfast actions and doesn't think them through. His hands move before his head can process it. The Gryffindor is extremely competitive, he likes to turn everything into a competition and he takes his L's well enough.

Alec is determined and often if he has set his mind to something, that's it. He has goals and he will put tremendous amounts of effort in to achieve them. He has a moral-code that can be slightly shifty at times to leave himself with less guilt about his actions and what he has done to achieve these goals.

Alec is intelligent, he's not well-spoken and it often less him being underestimated and smarter than people would assume. He's very textbook smart, due to the copious amount of time he spent reading in his younger years, add it with his thinking outside of the box, and it the perfect sort of mix and match game. Alec picks up skills, and information quickly and can form proper plans within a matter of minutes. However he was trouble sticking to one thing and has very few things he's really good at or has mastered. He also has trouble sticking to a plan after it's been created, he makes adjustments to suit the situation. While it may better suit the situation he may fail to communicate this to the people around him.

list left to talk about : thoughtful, intuitive, stubborn, clever, hyperactive, absentminded, chatterbox, daring, sarcastic, self-conscious, nerve, studious, leaderly, procrastinating(will write more of this later LOL)

The side of himself shared privately: Clumsy, creative, curious, empathetic, optimistic, naive, youthful, shy, petty, playful

Alec was character made out of whimsy, in the attempts of playing someone with a young soul. During the time this character has started Hogwarts, they have matured. These traits are apart of a vulnerable piece of him, and he has had to learn how to adapt and grow thicker skin. Knowing there is a right time to act this way and a wrong time.

It usually appears when he's known a person for a long enough time. Whether to friends or foes. It's a softer and gentle side that often gets less and less spotlight as he's growing older