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Jane Wright
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,5 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Age: 11
Weight: 89lbs
Height: 4’10”

Jane has dark brown hair that falls just past her shoulder blades. It’s rather thin making it able to be grabbed and held in one hand. Her bangs tend to fall to the sides of her face and are just as a little shorter than her hair. Her eyes are dark brown, sometimes looking black in low lighting. She has dark freckles that spread from cheek to cheek, going over the bridge of her nose with skin pale enough to show the freckles clearly.

Jane was born May 22, 2009, to Jacob and Mary Wright. As a kid, Jane was a lonely girl and an only child. She didn’t like it being that way but was so afraid of talking to other kids she didn’t do anything about it. Her parents were great people, both of them being pure-blooded wizards. They raised her in a small neighborhood and did their best. They mostly taught her the dangers of the world as she grew, making her a very anxious kid. When she finally did make a friend, he ended up moving within the month. At the age of seven, her magic made an appearance. She tripped and fell into an unusually deep pond and created an air bubble around her head before her dad frantically pulled her out. After that her parents started telling her about safe magic and forbidden magic, even giving her books to read on magic. She quickly became fascinated with magical creatures and herbology.