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Adrianne Watkins
Wizard born
Wandsworth, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Adrianne Watkins has lived in Wandsworth her whole life, located in the southern half of England about an hour's drive from London. Her mom is a Half-Blood witch and her dad is a Pure-blood. She has an older brother who is in his third year of Hogwarts and a younger sister who is 9 years old and anxiously awaiting her turn at getting a Hogwarts letter. When she was three she accidentally bounced down the stairs like a bouncy ball when her brother jumped out from behind a door and scared her, causing her to trip and fall in fright. He felt terrible after that and didn't try to scare her like that again. When she was seven Adrianne and her family were at a restaurant. There was a person sitting next to them in the booth one over who was being very rude to them all and so Adrianne wished they would be quiet and that their hair would turn bright orange. To her surprise, it did! She felt satisfied that justice was served. Her parents were proud of her, though at the time they were just as shocked as everyone else. Adrianne loves to do wood burning because when she was 8 her dad taught her how, even though technically a muggle thing, and ever since then has fallen in love with the art. She also enjoys photography and will often capture many a candid moment, many of which are humorous, and many of which showcase her eye and talent for the skill. In other moments she enjoys being outside and hanging out with friends and sometimes going on adventures with them. Adrianne is resourceful, determined, optimistic and realistic, artistic, curious, thoughtful, humorous, at times dramatic, and playful, to name a few. Her sister has always adored her and she is her hero. In turn, Adrianne has often looked up to her brother and frequently goes to him for advice when she wonders about anything. They have a family owl with which they send letters and get mail, and a cat- who she is very fond of because it will frequently sit on her lap and purr.