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Tracy Pickard
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,2 cm redwood and dragon heartstring
Height: 4 ft 11 inches
Weight: 95.5 lbs.
Tracy is a quiet and, clumsy girl. Her favorite thing to do is read. She has a very good memory but is a coward. She is easily started when reading and is an introvert. She has a fascination with wolves and, werewolves. In addition she has an obsession with magical plants. Tracy is also very scared of crowds and her favorite color is green.
Tracy has long wavy ginger hair. Her hair is usually kept in a ponytail. She has light green eyes and, a round nose. She has thin lips and straight perfect white teeth. She has a round chin and an oval head shape. She has a long neck and a thin body. She wears black wire-rimmed glasses and likes to wear green clothing. She also has small feet and, attached earlobes.
Tracy was born in the US on July 9th 2008 to Jessica and John Pickard , two purebloods, before moving to London at the age of five. She grew up with two loving and caring parents in apartment over a herb shop they ran mainly for muggles. They also sold magical plants and herbs to wizard and witches who requested them. Tracy loved whenever her parents drove her to their greenhouses located nearby London because she loved looking at all the cool and weird magical plants. Her powers first surfaced at the age of nine when Tracy accidentally caused a plant to grow super large in a matter of minutes by touching it before returning to its former state when she stopped touching it.