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Ellis Burke
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Ellis grew up in a muggle household. She went to a muggle school, and always has. There were some incidents where she could do very strange things that she didn't mean to do. For example, one time, she got so angry at one of her classmates, she made all of their project disintegrate. She didn't know what was wrong, and told her parents. They, of course, didn't believe her and told her to stop messing with them. She has only had one of these incidents, and is determined to control it when it happens again. The next morning, she went into class and expected all of her friends to get mad, and question her.. That didn't happen.. What happened was everyone greeted her normally, and then complained about a dog eating their project. She just went with it, and said that it was very strange.

One day Ellis was out getting the mail (post), and noticed that there was a letter with her name on it. She rarely gets any letters in the mail, and they were normally from relative cousins who live in the states. This time, they weren't from her cousins. It had a weird red symbol stamped on the front to hold the letter together. She was very confused, and took it into her room, and hid it. Until.. One day her mom was cleaning out her room, and stumbled upon it. She, too, was very confused and decided it would be best to keep it a secret from their father. He was always very strict about things and her mom knew that he would immediately throw it out. Normally, her mom wouldn't do this type of thing, but she felt that it was real. She didn't know what it was about it, but she did.

So.. They followed the directions on the letter and went to get all of her supplies from 'Diagon Alley'. They made an excuse that they were going shopping. Which, in reality, they were. Just not where he could ever imagine. Her mother was very skeptical of this place.. Considering that it was nowhere she had ever heard of before. She thought to not take Ellis with her, and then decided it would be her own "journey". So, she took Ellis with her.. They got all of the supplies needed, and hid them in the basement where no one ever goes.

The day came where it was time for her to hop aboard the 'Hogwarts Express'. They told her father she applied to a "top secret" boarding school, and got in.. They researched some of the best boarding schools in England, and make a fake admissions letter. They wanted to be sure their father didn't go with them, so they broke their car. Well... They said they broke the car, but they just put it in a parking garage. Her mother said that she was dropping her off, and that they would be taking the bus. She knew her father would not want to go on the bus, and he didn't.

Ellis and her father said a very meaningful goodbye, and walked to the bus that would take them to the train station. They had gathered Ellis' owl and trolley full of supplies she would need for her journey, and tried to go straight through the brick wall. Her mother, of course, could not go through. So, Ellis had to say her final goodbyes to her mum right next to Platform 9 3/4. After they said their goodbyes, Ellis went through the wall, and her journey at Hogwarts began..

Ellis has a very fiery personality, and this can tend to upset others. If you're nice to her, she will most likely be nice to you.. If you offend her in ANY way possible, she will most likely come after you.
She is also very bold and mean. Ellis judges everyone.. This can be good or bad in some situations. If you look a certain way, or act differently from others, she will react in a way that is not necessary. Hopefully she'll be taught some valuable lessons, and will be able to get her act together whilst at her time during Hogwarts.

Ellis is a very charming girl.. She looks older than she is, and has very brown eyes and light skin.