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Phoenix Lyre
Sussex, England
Fifth year, Hufflepuff
31,4 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
**im back!**
Phoenix Lyre was born in a beach town in East Sussex, England on June 24, 2008, to a loving, but non-magic family. Her family was from Singapore and immigrated to England for better job opportunities. Phoenix has similar features as other Singaporeans like brown skin, black hair and brown eyes. In her opinion, she finds it upsetting that she does not have the best eyesight, but she still wears her glasses that her mother bought for her. Lastly, she stands around five feet and one inch tall.

Over her time at Hogwarts, her personality developed (and still developing). She is everything that a typical Hufflepuff should be. Phoenix is kind and loyal. She enjoys talking to people about all sorts of things! She is very protective of her loved ones and would do anything for them. On the flip side, she is not the brightest student, but she will try her best. Miscommunication is often occurs between Phoenix and others, but Phoenix usually does not have bad intentions. Sometimes, Phoenix forgets important things and tends to forget to stay in the moment. This does not mean she is a bad person, though!

During her free time, Phoenix enjoys reading a good book or listening to jazz music (the fun music that one can dance to). She also enjoys hanging outdoors and soaking in the sun. If you asked her what her favorite game is, she would say “none because being competitive is no fun.”

To Phoenix, Hogwarts is her second home and she is glad to continue her education here.