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Elaine Ong
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,2 cm hornbeam wood and snallygaster heartstring
Elaine is a mischievous girl who would take the chance to explore the world ahead of her, while having lots of fun with her best of friends.

Elaine has brunette hair which is slightly past her shoulders, and light blue eyes. She has a height of 142 cm ( 4' 6" ) and a light skin tone with a petite frame.

Elaine grew up in a middle wizarding class family and spend most of her time in London. She took classes that muggles took, school, ballet classes, piano classes, that is, until she got her powers. Despite her small frame, Elaine loved snacking on her favourite chips and often goes shopping with her older sisters. Being the youngest in the family, she is pampered by her parents, her mother in particular, but still behaves modestly, as often taught by them. Her favourite hobby was watching her sisters, both graduated from hogwarts, in awe as they used spells in their everyday life.

On the incident of her awakening, Elaine and her family was their the way to they nearby bakery when she saw a little kitten sitting on the middle of the road. Just then, a speeding car dashed by, driving through the lane the car was on, but not before Elaine pushed the kitten out of the car’s way without touching it.
After that, her family were elated, not only with Elaine awakening her powers, but also with the young girl for saving the little kitten.