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Atticus Smith
Oswestry Rural, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,0 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Atticus was born to his muggle parents in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada during a family reunion. Grew up in Oswestry Rural, England for the rest of his life. He used to visit his maternal Grandmother and stay for a month or so, in Spain whenever he could. Though she’d passed away 3 years before he started at Hogwarts. His grandmothers passing was hard on him though he did eventually come to terms with it and still wears a silver bracelet with a silver star charm on it. He’s rather sentimental even if he won’t admit it. Before his grandmothers passing, he had a relatively normal childhood, Atticus lived in a small house where he shared a room with his brother Joshua who is 6 years older than him and was his idol. His mother, Maria is a Florist and used to take Atticus to work with her teaching him about plant care and telling him what the names of the flowers she grew. At home they had a garden that Atticus and His mother spent a lot of time in, growing herbs and some vegetables for cooking so they didn’t have to buy as much. His Father, Marvin, a manager at a grocery store as well as doing little construction projects around town for extra money. Atticus was part Spanish, on his mom’s side, and English on his fathers’ side. He see’s his extended family only once and a while as they live decently far from them, though they send gifts and letters often. He went to a small muggle school where he had a few friends that he spent a lot of his free time with. If he wasn’t with is school friends, he was following his brother around, who watched him sometimes but not very well. Joshua wasn’t the best role model as he was a bit of a mischievous person. Joshua has always been close to Atticus trying to teach him things and cheering him on. Atticus considered his bother his biggest fan. Atticus always loved reading, helping with the plants, painting, and learning constellations with his dad even if he never could remember them. Atticus spent his nights reading way past his bedtime trying to learn as much as he could or reading so high fantasy book to pretend, he was the great hero. In school he liked to get the best grades mostly because it made his dad happy. Atticus first instance of accidental magic was when he was six, he was helping his mother in the garden after his brother told him he had to stay home. That had been upsetting enough for Atticus since his brother never really left him behind. The flower he’d been growing all by itself hadn’t bloomed and his mom eluded to it being wilted saying it might not bloom. He’d spent a bit too long staring at it upset he didn’t have a green thumb like his mom, and it bloomed fully. His mother had just come around the corner to see it. She quickly ushered him and his flower into the house. She didn’t want anyone else to see. That night she talked to his father, which was supposed to be a private conversation as even Joshua had been sent to bed. Joshua had cracked the door and shushed Atticus so they could hear what their parents had been talking about. Marvin hadn’t been accepting, there was no way a son of his had magic it wasn’t real he’d insisted. It had taken a while for his dad to stop working so late he’d miss dinner. Though Joshua seemed okay with it even more than his mom. Maybe Joshua was nervous too, but he never showed it he just kept telling Atticus he was going to be the best out of anyone there was and how it was great to have a secret in their little family. His mother had been sure to tell him to not do anything odd outside of their house she didn’t want anyone to know, she wasn’t embarrassed though it came off that way she just wanted him to be safe. His father no longer looked at the stars with him, Atticus tried to pretend it didn’t hurt his feelings, though by the time he got his letter he already knew his dad would work when he had to catch the train. He’d come to terms that his dad just needed more time, or at least that’s what his mother always said. He’d enjoyed the trip to Hogwarts and was glad to be sorted into Ravenclaw where he could find more people like him.