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Ivy Gilleri
Kinsale, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Ivy Eileen Gilleri was born on June 17th to Bellamy and Dermot Gilleri, in Kinsale Ireland. She still lives there to this day with her parents and her two older sisters, Poppy and Calluna. She is a muggleborn, and the only one in her family to ever have magical abilities. You can imagine the shock it was to her and her family when an owl dropped off her Hogwarts letter, but she always felt like she was a little different. She was never good at regular school despite being rather bright. All she wanted to do was read, day dream, and play pretend with her small group of friends.

As she got used to the idea of being a witch and starting at Hogwarts, the strange occurrences that had been happening the last few years started to make sense. It all started when she was eight and running from Calluna after accidentally cracking her phone screen. One moment she was running into the backyard, the next she was in the neighbors tree house. She thought maybe due to the adrenaline of being chased she had just blacked out, but now thinking back it must have been magic. After that instance little strange things would happen. Her belongings would disappear and reappear in the front lawn, the tv would change to the channel she wanted to watch without anyone touching the remote, and once in a moment of great joy the flowers in her mother's garden bloomed on a snowy winter day.

She has long dark curly red hair, green eyes, and is covered in freckles. She can be very quiet and reserved when you first meet her, but as she becomes comfortable around you she can bubbly and loud. She can be insecure about her intelligence, especially since her two older sisters have always done well in school. She wants to prove herself that she's not stupid, and make her family proud.