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Ileen Knight
20 Jul 2008
London, England
Sixth year, Slytherin
21,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
As the daughter of two former Slytherins with a difficult history, Ileen grew up in New Zealand far away from England. Although she was born in England, her parents had decided to leave to escape the political situation.
Her parents, Elliot Knight and Isabell Clark, had long belonged to a group that followed the mindset that pure-blood counts. At school, breakting with this mindset, they made friends with some Muggle-borns although their relationship started with some mean but harmless pranks. They fell in love with each other and as they confessed their changed feelings towards the Muggle-borns they decided to leave the group.
When Ileen was born after her parents graduated from Hogwarts and they were both sabotaged by the pure-blood families and rejected by the Muggle-borns caused by their school history, they decided to retire abroad for a while until the matter had blown over. In New Zealand they both worked for the ministry in the area of "magical cooperation" but stayed out of British relations - again they were only reluctantly accepted as former members of the pureblood group, even though the group never harmed anyone. But their arrogant attitude was known and so people were especially careful with Ileen's parents.
Ileen went to a normal Muggle school, because her mother thought it was very important for her daughter to develop tolerance towards Muggles and to make friends. Two other wizard children also attended this school. But New Zealand was not yet far enough away to prevent rumours. Both children wanted nothing to do with Ileen, as their parents had warned them about her "evil" influence. So Ileen learned from an early age to be rejected by the wizards and only became friends with Muggle children.
Ileen's powers first became apparent at the age of four when she played hide-and-seek with her father on their remote estate. After he could not find her and had to call her mother for help, they discovered their daughter hiding under a bush. Her dress - a former cotton dress - was also made entirely of bush leaves. Overall, magic was always present at home and absolutely forbidden at school. Ileen stuck to it, even though she could not understand it. She was especially afraid of being rejected by the other children as well. All in all, her parents were able to guarantee her a normal childhood in a big house with a wide garden.
When Ileen was nine years old, her parents decided to move back to England. After careful consideration they had come to the conclusion that she should go to Hogwarts. Ileen was very sad to have to leave her friends. The confinement of London was also a big change for her. Her relatives had not seen her until today, because her parents kept away from them as much as possible and took all efforts to hide Ileen.
The last school years before Hogwarts, Ileen attended a school in London. She missed her friends and was not willing to make new friends so quickly. As her parents also avoided the other wizard families, she was always very lonely in the afternoons and evenings for two years.
She was all the more excited when she received her letter from Hogwarts. On one hand she was happy to finally use her powers and to learn to control them. On the other hand, she feared the rejection of the other children. Her parents did not have it easy at home, so why should it be easier for her than in New Zealand at a school full of wizard children? She simply prepared herself not to let these things get to her.
Now, at 11, she's rather reserved and looks at people from a distance, but if she can open up and become a friend, she'll do anything for that person. Her humour is rather dark and cynical, which has sometimes earned her reprimands from her mother. Her father, however, shares her humour.