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Riley Swan
York, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
25,1 cm mayhaw wood and wampus cat hair
3rd November 2007, on a cloudy day, a little ball of energy came to the world. Me. Soon enough I was brought back to my future playground : the huge familial house in York. My name ? Riley Mackenzie Swan. But something even more important than my name is that I was born in a wizard family. Now that you are in the confidence of the family secret, you will be in a better position to understand the atmosphere that reigns in our house.
All day long there are noises of runs, laughs, screams and magic. It must be said that we are three children with… Opposite personalities.

Alex, which full name is Alexandra (but I would recommend you not to call her like that if you don’t want to die), is the oldest. In fact she is only 20 minutes older than Lauren. She is impulsive and likes to do dangerous things alone. However, we know that she likes us even if she will never admit it. Lauren, her twin, is more quiet. She likes to draw outside, in the sun and over everything, she loves to read under the sun (which is something a bit complicated in our region). She is always nice to me when I am looking for someone to play. They are 3 years older than me and they already study in Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Alex is in Gryffindor whereas Lauren is in Ravenclaw. I guess it is better for everyone that they are not in the same house. Indeed, Alex shows her love by making fun of Lauren strange behaviours, like when she reads upside down. Lauren always complains about how Alex puts always herself in complicated and dangerous situations. One time, she fell from a roof and broke her arm. Fortunately, Lauren was here to call our parents. Anyway, when they fight it is as if a unicorn and a dragon were arguing. The dragon is impulsive and gets angry quickly whereas the unicorn stays calm and majestic.

What about me in all this mess ? I would say that I am quite mischievous. I like to hoax people… Well, actually especially Alex who hates that. In fact it is my first occupation to disturb her as she always becomes super mad at me. And this is one of the reason why they are often chased and screams in the house. I am the reason why. I can also be calm when I am with Lauren I am another person. I can sit down for an entire day listening to her stories, playing a character in a world she invented. She enables me to focus my energy on one thing. As soon as I am done I have to find another occupation, I can’t stop. Never. Alex always says that I am a chatterbox. I am not sure whether it is a compliment or not... But what’s the purpose to only speak to myself ? I don’t get it. Otherwise, I would say that I am joyful most of the time. I wouldn’t say I am naïve. I am always able to know if a person is honest with me or not, it is one of my superpower and I am very proud of it. I feel like I am a spy when I succeed in understanding how people are. My mum says that I am outspoken and direct which is, according to her, a good thing but I also need to be careful not to hurt people’s feeling. I don’t want to hurt anyone on purpose, I think before I say something but I don’t get what’s wrong with telling the truth all the time.

By the way, my first sign of magic appeared during a chase with my sister. I had put an ice cube with paint on her bed. When she jumped on it, as usual, she felt the viscous material following by the cold. She yelled my name and tried to find the author of this mischief. Unfortunately for my 6 years old me, I was not well hidden and she found me quickly. As a revenge, she tried to scare me by coming from my back. I thought that someone was attacking me, screamed and my magic woke up. Without understanding anything, she was on the floor, 5 meters away. Lauren, who was always curious to see what was going on between us came into the room, puzzled by what happened. For a second, nobody was moving and everything was quiet. My mother came upstairs, her attention’s captured by the absence of noise. She saw a strange scene with her three daughters, quiet in the same room. Lauren started to stammer that I was a wizard. A WIZARD, ME ?! Well, it was not a big surprise as everyone has magic in the family but it was still a relief for my parents to know that. Of course, they would still love me if I weren’t but it would have been a complicated life for me.

I had to learn soon enough that I couldn’t do magic whenever I wanted because I was too young. Before that, I thought that the day my first magic will come, I will be able to use it the same way my parents were. As you can imagine, it’s way more complicated than that. But anyway, that’s why I am going to Hogwarts in a few days.

My parents are normal wizards. I mean, my mother works at St Mangoo’s hospital as Mediwizard. My father works for a well-known broomsticks company : Nimbus Racing Broom Company. One time he fell off the broomstick he was testing and arrived at St Mangoo. You can guess how the story continues, they fell in love, get married and gave birth to me and my sisters.

As for my physical appearance, I have ginger short hair cutting just above my shoulders with a thin fringe. When I was younger, my father was always making me two little buns over my head. As I turned eleven, I decided that I was not a little girl anymore and that I needed to have a fresh haircut. My round eyes are grey-blue depending on the light. I really like them. My skin is pale and I have freckles all over my body, especially my face and my arms.