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Karoline Lonsdale
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,8 cm pine wood and phoenix feather
Type of blood: Mud blood/Muggle born (same thing... Right?)

Hey my name is Karoline Lonsdale. This is my First year at Hogwarts. I love to help people and I'm kind, helpful, and brave. I have blue and black hair , blue eyes, not long nails, I'm skinny,Nice. I wear blue and black clothes. My history is that I grew up with non magical parents. I live in the UK in England/ London . My dad was mean to me, He would yell at me that's all . My mom was so nice. She knows i'm sensitive. My magic first came up when I was at the store with my mom and dad, when my dad started to yell at me then I got mad and then all of the food on the shelves started to shake and then all the food came flying off the selves and came right at my dad he was ok after that's when they knew I was magical. I can not wait to go to Hogwarts ! ! I can't wait to make friends and go on Adventurers with my friends. I cant wait to ride on my first broom . I love the games you can play here they are fun. I got all of my stuff for Hogwarts it took me about 30 min. I think I will have fun at Hogwarts. And this is all about me and why I want to go to Hogwarts. And is an (Metamorphmagu.