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Elizabeth Allen-Lewis
Newcastle, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
28,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Elizabeth can be described as kindhearted with a bit of a bite to her personality. She's incredibly gentle and soft with her peers, often observing from afar and then drawing herself to them when she finds an easy 'in' to the conversation and is decent when it comes to smalltalk. She can continue a conversation and keep it going. But as much as she loves interacting with others, she can be a bit awkward or hesitant when the balls in her court for making the first move to interact.

She doesn't like being the center of attention and visibly tries to duck down if there's a chance she'll get called on during class. However, even with her gentle demeanor, she is a force to be reckoned with when she feels there's an injustice. If her friends are in distress or being picked on, she's the one to cast the first stone and call out anyone who has done wrong in her eyes. Some of her friends may call her stubborn, strong-willed or even defensive because she can, and will, get into arguments with people who question her, her beliefs or her friends.

When Elizabeth is comfortable and around close friends, she has a bit of wit to herself. She can lead a bit of snark and doesn't hold back when it comes to pulling someone's leg.

Elizabeth is on the smaller side of stature, a bit shorter than average at 5'2 with a caramel complexion. Her hair is incredibly thick, wiry and curly, often pulled back into a little bun with baby wisps pulled out at the sides and around her face in a wild array of curls. A dusting of light freckles and a few beauty marks cover her face, chest and shoulders that grow more apparent in the summer, but dull down in the winter.
Her dark brown eyes, nearly black, are hooded and her nose is short and rounded. Her lips are plush and constantly pursed into a smirk with a small gap in the front of her teeth on an otherwise straight smile.

Her father's side of the family originates from Syria, blessing her with her slightly tanned, darker complexion and wiry hair. His grandmother and grandfather immigrated to Ireland to have a better chance at work in their career fields and settled themselves in Northern Ireland where they fell in love with the coast. After his mother was born, she left the small territory to a bigger city to pursue an education of literature and that is where she met her husband and eloped to Newcastle where they had Elizabeth's father who would stay and build upon their family business in the touristy area of Newcastle, and where he would meet Elizabeth's mother.
Elizabeths mother's family has always been in Ireland for generations upon generations, having jumped along the coasts and fishing towns until they settled on the beach resort, tourist-rich area of Newcastle. They helped the local economy by becoming the main source of seafood and often had fishery-deals with the local businesses which is how Elizabeth's mother met Elizabeth's father . She was born 2 years after they got married and a singular year after they combined the generational-family businesses.

Elizabeth grew up middle-class and was humbled by both sets of grandparents. She grew incredibly close to them as they often babysat or tutored her whenever her parents were busy with business endeavors. And although her father is a busy man; Elizabeth is a 'daddy's girl'. She's the spitting image of him according to her grandparents, and takes after him in the personality department and when she was a toddler, she'd often mock his mannerisms and mirror the way he talked with his hands.
When she was old enough, she was allowed to help on the ships, pulling up crab cages and other nets and helping the workers organize them. It got her picked on a bit in school since it was tomboyish and sometimes the smell of the boats stuck to her clothes, she didn't let it get her down too much as she enjoyed the adventure and excitement it brought to her otherwise normal, boring life.

Elizabeth was by all accounts a normal, simple girl who would follow her parents footsteps in running the family business until she presented as a Witch when she was 10 years old. She'd been helping her father in the kitchen with a meal when she'd completely ruined the stew they'd been preparing. In the midst of the panic and strong-chastising from her father, the pot of stew lifted up into the air and straight down into the sink with the mess flying across the two of them and rendering them speechless, confused and well convinced that a ghost was amongst them.

From thereon, she received a visit from the M.O.M. and then received her official invitation letter from Hogwarts.