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Luc Prichard
Blackheath, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm english oak wood and phoenix feather
Personality: I am kind, loyal, brave, daring, and funny.
Appearance: 5ft. 4in. tall, brown hair, and brown eyes.
Background: I have gotten into some trouble at regular school in America for misbehaving sometimes, but since my 10th birthday, and my moving to London, I've been changing for the good. I have ADHD, so I'm kind of hyperactive at times. Before I moved to London, my father said that he needed to go to work. He disappeared, and we never found him. My mother was muggle born, and she loved my dad to death. When she told me that my dad was a wizard one day, I laughed at it. Really? My dad? A wizard?
I finally found out she wasn't kidding around in my first days in London. Below is the reason why. I found out that my dad was in the Gryffindor house, and I made a promise to myself that I am going to be in Gryffindor, just like my dad.
Magic Accident: When I was ten years old, I moved to London (from America), and one of the first days here, I was being picked on by other kids at my school. Kids were chasing after me, and I was running home as fast as I could.The only problem was that my home was a good distance away. I was running quickly through some trees at one point. I felt angry at them for chasing me, and I turned to confront them head on. What I didn't know was that a branch had fallen on them. Dazed and scared, the kids ran away. What I also didn't know was that my anger caused that branch to break accidentally.

(If you see this, please disregard my current place in Diamond Bar, CA. I didn't write it correctly, instead, I live in Blackheath, London)