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Nephelae Svenja
Wizard born
Leeds, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
νεφέλη, nephelê, « cloud ».

she... they ?

true that my head is quite cloudy, foggy at time.
no wonder : i'm hypermnesiac.

i remember distant times in my life, going back to early childhood.
these memories are mainly visual, but sometimes audible, olfactory, tactile, with memories of sensations that are sometimes associated with them.

i come from Leeds, in England, where i was born, but my heart belongs to another country : Poland. indeed, Sereia — my mother — is Polish, and she's from Szczecin. my father, Narcyz, was born in Katowice, but he moved out to London after meeting my mother. both are wizards, and they gave me four sisters : Isolde, sixteen years old ; Davina, fifteen years old ; Anezka, twelve years old ; Arryn, eight years old. our parents taught us all five some words in polish.
my first magic appearance dates back to my seven years old. i was drawing on the walls — surely the beginning of my creativity. i knew that it was forbidden, though. suddenly, my mother came in the room and i flatten myself against the wall to hide my drawings. but Sereia just worried about my strange position, she didn't seem to see them. i stepped aside, nervous, and stated that the wall was completely blank. my mother guessed that something was wrong, and i felt obliged to confess her the disappearance of my art, as if by magic.

from my dad, i inherited my long, straight and dark hair. i've got a frange, as well. are my eyes blue ? green ? hard to say, but i like their colour. a bit changing, like me.

when it comes to my feelings, i'm a withdrawn person who avoids talking about myself as much as possible. i often tend to avoid the other's company, except if i trust them.


i know that i'm not as studious as many of my classmates. perhaps i don't care about school.
i just care about life.