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Elias Weare
Colchester, England
Sixth year, Ravenclaw
34,4 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Born just northeast of London in a city named Colchester Elias had a relatively mundane upbringing when one considered he was magical. His father was a muggle with a background in the military and his mother a witch which led to the occasional disagreement around the household in his very early years but nothing that seemed to scar the boy. In fact, in the long run, he seemed to have turned out relatively normal, if not a tad quiet and reserved. He often tended to keep to himself and avoided others though not at the expense of coming across as rude as his father had drilled it into him that respect was an utmost priority.

As for the boy’s magic and proof that he actually belonged at Hogwarts… well, it was an interesting story, to say the least. While playing on a swing set one day the boy noticed that the wind was seeming to catch him just right. He was floating higher and higher than normal and suddenly it felt as if he may, in fact wrap around the pole at the top. Unfortunately for Elias this euphoria didn’t last long and he soon found himself plummeting towards the ground his arms outstretched in an attempt to break the fall and distribute some of the impact; a poor choice on his part. Landing with a thud the boy’s arm snapped and he ended up away from school and in a hospital for a few days.

It was during his time with a broken arm that Elias began to keep his hair short, almost buzzed, it was easier that way and his father approved of it. Come to think of it the boy grew more to resemble his father the older he got. His face became slightly less rounded and more chiseled and the baby fat faded away. His blue eyes faded and became something closer to grey. He grew stoic and cold and perhaps a tad more unapproachable than he had been in his youth and yet he still came across as polite and kind should one make an attempt to converse with him. As a culmination of all this Elias didn’t seem all too excited when his letter from Hogwarts arrived. It was something he had been expecting after all due to his mother and even if it had been a surprise the boy would not have let that be seen outwardly. Perhaps this would change when he arrived at Diagon Alley and everything began to set in.