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Benjamin Cranford
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,0 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Ben's personality is one that can be best described as erratic and manic. He experiences a series of highs and lows, which is shown by his lack of friends yet his appearance as a class clown. Deep down he had a big heart, but one just has to take the time to get through his wall.

He is a lean, average height boy with rusty brown hair and olive coloured eyes. He wears glasses most of the time because he has a rather terrible vision. His skin is pale and covered in freckles. Because of his lean form, he makes a good runner, but not much of a wrestler. He prefers to fight with words than hands.

He's muggle-born and his only remaining family is his mother, who's more interested in his step-dad than anything. He spends most of his youth living with his friend Lawrence, but his mother was ecstatic to send him away to a boarding school-ish scenario. It makes her job as a mother much easier.

His first sign of magic was shown when he was in an argument with his mother, and as his rage built up. It was released through the explosion of a nearby light bulb, which popped and shattered all over the floor of their flat. They didn't think much of it, until it happened in another argument he had with his father.