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Emalia Kahananui
Salisbury, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,2 cm cherry wood and rougarou hair
My name is Emalia, and I go by Em or Lia on occasion. I am an ethnic Polynesian who’s family has been in the United Kingdom for almost ever. I like swimming, dancing, and good food! My family still honors the traditions of ancient Polynesian wizards, in addition to contemporary British norms. I have two older brothers and one older sister, all of whom have gone to Hogwarts. My oldest brother, Kai, is a 7th year, my second brother, Maleko, is a 5th year, and my sister, Luana, is a 3rd year. My family has introduced us to Muggle life, but I think it's so bland! I'd take the antics of the wizarding world any day. My favorite subject is Transfiguration. When I'm a 2nd year, I look forward to trying out for Quidditch! Kai plays as Keeper, and I want to be a Chaser. The Kahananuis don't have a specific house we fall into; Kai is a smart, popular jock in Hufflepuff, Maleko is a charming, sly prankster (and ladies' man) in Slytherin, and Luana is an uptight, rebellious daredevil in Gryffindor. They say I need to be a Ravenclaw to complete our quartet, but personally, I'd rather be in Slytherin or Hufflepuff with my brothers. I am athletic, caring, ambitious, and outgoing! When I grow up, I think I want to be a Healer or play Quidditch.