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Liv Hartley
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
30,4 cm cypress wood and unicorn hair

Liv (never Olivia) Hartley is a quintessentially fun, happy-go-lucky and friendly girl. She enjoys her peers and prides herself on her openness and laid-back qualities. Having fun and being around like-minded people is what most motivates this blonde, who has always desired a playmate of her own. An only child she has always sought out others who might help to entertain her lively spirit. Liv had to fight to come to Hogwarts, as her muggle mother was very against her studying magic, so she's very invested in her duration at the school and making it a success. Although she's never going to be top of the class, she will happily meander through her studies if it means staying at the Castle with her newfound friends.

She has heard plenty of tales from her father while he was in school, but he was always incredibly blase about his time there. Liv fully intends on indulging in every adventure presented to her. Centaurs? Great. Unicorns? Absolutely! Mermaids? Bring them on. It's her overzealous nature that has often led her into strife, but she's determined to engage in everything Hogwarts has to offer! Perhaps she could even talk her dorm mates into a dorm pet..a Niffler sounds like a lot of fun.

Although she prides herself on her friendliness, and getting along with almost anyone, there isn't a mean bone in her body. Sure, she likes gossiping along with most girls her age, but Liv would never see any harm come to anyone because of it!


She didn't mean to cause an explosion in the kitchen. Her mum just wouldn't listen to her explanation that she didn't like beef wellington and wasn't going to eat it if on her plate. Without any knowledge of what she was doing or even how she had done it, the offensive dish suddenly exploded in the oven and was unsalvageable. She had been delighted, but her mother was outraged and shocked. She had scolded her and sent her to her room thoroughly chastened much to the confusion of her daughter who had no awareness of what was happening.

It wasn't until the letters started to arrive that she realised what was happening. She was magical. She was a witch! Unlike many other families, the Hartleys weren't immediately delighted and planning her future. Her dad, however much he hadn't enjoyed his school years, seemed eager to allow his daughter to follow in his magical footsteps. Her mum, on the other hand, was adamant that her little girl remain innocent and naive about the wizarding world. Liv put her foot down after the fourth consecutive day of rowing. It was her future and she wanted to explore what it meant.

So began the Great Silence. Her mum was determined to win, and her dad was uncharacteristically supportive of her. They barely communicated and home was a nightmare for the blonde. But she was leaving soon for Hogwarts and that was exciting in and of itself. She wasn't too sure of how good she would be at anything remotely magical but she was prepared to give it a try in the name of a colourful and interesting future! She even met a boy as she gathered all her school belongings, who seemed even more lost than she was, much to her amusement.