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Brodie Harkness
Inverness, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
31,9 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Brodie stands at 5'9, has sandy brown hair he typically keeps shorter on the back and sides while letting the top be relatively scruffy. He has stormy grey eyes and a Skinny build and pale skin.

Brodie was born to his mother Josephine who was a Witch graduated from Hogwarts and his father a muggle. Both had grown up around the highlands and Moray with his Father from Rothes and his mother from Dingwall. The two had met at a young age before Josephine went off to Hogwarts, eventually reuniting as adults by chance and falling in Love. Born in Inverness, Brodie lived a happy childhood having a healthy relationship with both parents. Sadly the knowledge of his wife’s life being one of magic and creatures was straining his father’s ability to focus on his own life and be healthy leading to an amicable divorce and his father going off to live a normal muggle life and Brodie staying with his mother in the Highlands.
The first sign George was a wizard was when he was 9. After coming home from Primary school he wanted a drink of Irn Blu but his mum had a rule for what times he was allowed fizzy drinks and how much. As she kept it on top of the fridge Brodie kept asking for her to reach it for him, after repeatedly telling him no she told him off. Brodie’s child temper at the time resulted in him pulling everything off the top of the fridge onto the floor resulting in a fizzy juice mess all over the kitchen floor. Initially grounding him and being angry about the event she soon realised what had happened and became overjoyed that her boy was magical too. The two experienced a relatively normal life after that with only the odd event of Brodie turning leaves into Paper taking place.
This was changed when Brodie turned 11 and found his mother crying tears of Joy when she read out his Hogwarts letter.

Brodie is a supportive, often very honest in complimenting boy. Though balancing this with a sense of humour that is built upon teasing both himself and his friends. Believing in conflict only out of self defence or defence of others, Brodie avoids confrontation as much as possible and would rather let whatever happens in the moment sizzle out before getting involved or expressing his thoughts.