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Shen Lee
South Kensington, England
First year, Slytherin
21,0 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Shen had grown up as a pureblood, riding the fine line of the wizarding world and the ever more attentive muggle world. He was, at least he thought so and was brought up as such, destined for great things, and thus he always acted with the grace and etiquette of one in his status. The young man always kept himself well groomed, his face framed by the silken locks of his soft bronze hair, bringing attention to the darkly colored hazel eyes of his, which almost seemed like they had a touch of amber within them, burning with passion. His frame was quite tall for his age, yet through the clothing he wore seemed to still be toned and well maintained. When he spoke, his voice was always soft, but within them contained power and a tone that would not waver. His every action was made without excess energy, and boundless grace.

He had what many would say had been the idealistic childhood. He had both his parents and a pretty loving home, yes there were their weekly quarrels and fights, but it was a home. Their villa in south Kensington home was well maintained by the house elves, and so the lawn was always well groomed, the tiling and statues well buffed, and not a single piece of dust to ever be found. His mother was graceful and elegant Japanese woman and his father an upstanding and stoic British gentleman. They had careers within the muggle world helping those who had need of interaction between the two, and as such, and with his parent's ancient money, he had lived quite well off. Etiquette, piano, and poetry lessons filled his days, and at nights, he would delve into books and his father's work striving to become better, and to surpass his parents. He was quick to learn, and stood at the forefront among his peers, his insatiable hunger for knowledge and the responsibility that came with him, ever inexplicably pushing him forward.

It had been at an afternoon tea when his magic first flared, a few weeks after he had just turned 10. The evening sunlight had been streaming into the veranda in the back yard through the large windows overlooking the small idealistic stone garden. Shen had invited quite a few friends over to spend some time, but when muggles and purebloods mix, the result has never been truly beneficial. As the party became more and more raucous, the tingling sensation within him grew stronger and stronger till it popped, and pop it did. All of the china, Sweese Porcelain mind you, popped and shattered and silence reigned within the Lee household. At least he knew he was wizard, now to become the best he could at it.