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Lena Chase
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
29,3 cm rosewood and unicorn hair
Lena: Dark hair, blue eyes, shes a bit smaller than the average 11 year old.
Lena has a shy and quiet personality unless shes warmed up to people. She usually keeps to herself except for a select few people. It was hard growing up in a muggle household for her, especially as an only child. Lena's parents were people who didn't really understand or believe in magic, so when she started showing signs of magical abilities they treated her a bit differently than they had before. Her magic started to show when she was about five but it was never really anything that other people noticed until she was around seven. At first her parents didn't really believe her, because who would believe a 7 year old when they said they didn't throw a meatball out the window it was just magic. But then they started noticing small unordinary things like how she'd sometimes warp water when they tried to splash her at the lake, or how her hands sometimes seemed to make the leaves fly after they had fallen off the trees. After that they really didn't act the same, they were a bit wary of her and weren't sure what to do which left Lena wondering if she did something wrong. She has some friends in the muggle world who she loves to go on bike rides and sleepovers with. But she never speaks about her abilities to them because shes worried they'll think its weird. Lena loves art and music, she enjoys being outside and playing sports, softball is probably her favorite. She also loves animals especially owls, insects, however, aren't her thing at all.