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Phineas Avery
Bath, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,1 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Wilmington Hall had seen many generations of pureblooded wizards live within its ancient walls. Some more prejudiced than others, but pureblooded nonetheless. The large estate near Bath has been home to the Avery family for several hundred years now and would continue to be – thanks to a male heir being born to Tabitha and Aeneas Avery on the 2nd of April 2009. The young parents were delighted by the birth of a son and named him Phineas Kreon after his grandfather and great-grandfather, both of which died during the wizarding wars. Needless to say, the family harboured high hopes for the young wizard from his earliest years, to step into the footsteps of his ancestors and bring honour to the ancient House of Avery.
It was exactly four years later, that young Phineas showed first signs of magic, much to the elation of his family and the chagrin of his governess. She was trying to bathe young Master Avery; the operative word here being TRYING, as the ginger tot with a gazillion freckles did absolutely not cooperate. The toddler hated his weekly baths and fought tooth and nail whenever the young woman lowered him into the tub until, on his fourth birthday, he vanished the dreadful wetness altogether.

Soon after the water incident, a private tutor was hired to teach the boy all things necessary for a head start in life, most of which the young heir found incredibly boring. It wasn’t that Phineas was a slow learner, quite the contrary, but boy was he lazy. He was quick minded in every aspect: quick to learn new things, quick to be interested and lose the interest shortly thereafter, quick to anger but quick to forgive and forget. Being the apple of his mother’s eye, he often sweet-talked her into letting him play with his countless toys, rather than to stick to the academic schedule his tutor had set up for him.

However, there was one thing that Tabitha Avery was adamant about and that was impeccable etiquette. By the age of five, Phineas would eat a seven course dinner in a manner, that would make many diplomats look like apes; at age seven, he knew every notable member of the pureblood community including their family ties, coat of arms and family motto; and at age ten he was fully educated on how to properly court his future betrothed. To the Avery family it seemed, they had raised the perfect heir.