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Thaddeus Athanatos
Bath, England
26,6 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
History: I come from a pure-blooded family that lives in Bath. My mother, Constance and my father Amadeus met in 1940. Their union was arranged by my grandparents as neither had found a suitable pure-blood suitor of their own by the time they had come of age. Their relationship is tolerant, perhaps one can learn to love. I feel that my parents have always had affection for me and for of course my younger sister Astrid.

I have wanted for little and I would have to admit that my life has been unremarkable up until this point. I had my first instance of magic when I was two, my nanny reported to my mother and my father that toys kept finding their way into my crib. It was an expected phenomena but it was still one worthy of celebration, even if I was too young to recall how we celebrated this accomplishment.

My sister had a similar incident when she was a toddler, perhaps a year and a half later than me. My parents were relieved, they had begun to question the fact that my sister might have been a squib and had celebrated her 'success' several months earlier as a ruse to other pureblood families to hide their potential shame. It was just a cocktail party that time, something that I was too young to participate in as was my sister the focus of the congratulatory efforts. I was too young them to understand the relevance of appearances but I played my role like any good actor should. It was from these early moments that I came to realize the need for certain things to be done a certain way. Not out of contempt but rather self-preservation.

I was educated in Hogwarts, house Ravenclaw. My peers primarily the bookish and the curious sort, a sentiment I suppose in many ways I also shared. I was an adequate student, but my standards for success are rather high. I graduated in 1981 and worked under my father for the next four years. My father was a politician, as am I. An entrepreneur and a philanthropist. He pressed these ideals into me, the importance of elevating the miserable and advocating for the voiceless and disenfranchised.

My interests primarily rest with the outcasts of magical society - the goblins, the house elves and the varied half-breeds and cursed magical people and non-magical people. I have spent my youth campaigning to integrate squibs into magical society as their blood right. To grant goblins and house elves wands, both have been steadfast allies to wizards and I feel that they deserve fair treatment and recognition.

I met my wife in 2003, a healer at St. Mungos who came from a pureblood family of excellent reputation. She was over two decades younger than me, yet despite our age gap we fell in love. She was caring for an injury to my hand, I was bitten and the cursed venom threatened to painfully end my life. As brilliant as she was lovely, I recovered fully. We were married with the approval of both of our parents that same year. Our marriage would be short-lived, three months after my darling Elenora gave birth to our first and only child Vladimir, she died suddenly in her sleep.

I have since remarried for the sake of appearances. We have a picture perfect pureblooded family. My second wife, Victoria is pregnant with our first child which I await with gleeful anticipation. My wife raises crups and trains these eager, energetic balls of love for wizards. I have focused on my political career. since Granger has stepped down from the seat of Minister I have expressed a keen interest in filling that role. The Ministry is presently in bureaucratic turmoil over several concerns which has delayed the appointment of a new Minister. in the interim a temporary Minister has been appointed the role. He has expressed waning interest in keeping the role for a full term. However, there are several other obstacles I must overcome if I am to become the next Minister of Magic. There is a great deal of favoritism and corruption

Appearance: Grey, neat and short hair. Slightly tanned skin with weathered features. I do not spend as much time outside as I perhaps should, but I enjoy sports more than reading. I have a condition known as heterochromia iridis, it is not a problematic condition, simply an oddity that makes me physically unique - my right eye is grey-blue and my left is a blue-green. Through magic I have perfect teeth, an achievement I did not earn through efforts of my own but rather my with the teeth straightening charm. I was able to skip over that awkward stage where my teeth might have been too large for my head.

My attire is for the most part modern, wizarding, fashionable and at times formal, a reflection of my pureblood status, my role as a politician and my personal pride as a man. My time with muggles has been characteristically short, it is not that I have a particular disdain for them but rather I live a very different life and value different things. i have become dependent on my magic and I find it incredibly limiting to not be able to use such a large facet of myself in the muggle public.

Personality: I would like to think that I am somewhat intelligent and inquisitive, however I have seen people brighter than me. I am one to value intelligence over cunning but I am not opposed to either, I find both to be necessary means of survival. I know my lineage has chosen much for me already, not that it is any different for the muggle borns or the half-bloods, everyone is trying to prove themselves worthy of their station or capable of more. I am not an exception in any way.