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Paisley Hart
Chester, England
First year, Slytherin
29,9 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Hi my name is Paisley Hart. I love cats and owls. I'm very shy around new people. I sometimes lash out at people when I'm mad or angry. I am from a pure-blood family. My whole family has been in Ravenclaw. We are a very bright family. My family consist of my brother who is 8 years old and his name is Phoenix Hart. My mother's name is Elizabeth Hart and she workes at Quality Quidditch Supplies. My father's name is Alexander Hart, and he workes at Gringots bank. I live with my brother, father, and mother. My parents have always been really nice to me growing up. When I got angry or did something stupid, they did what they had to do. They made my and my brother hug for a long time. My brother and I love each other but we don't like touching each other. My parents loved me and my brother. They were always their for me when I needed them the most. I was born on June 5 2008. I love Quidditch, baking, protesting, staying organised, art, animals, and having a lot of friends. My parents sent me to a local school where I learned how to read, do math, and all about science. Whenever I had free time my parents gave me private leasons all about the magical world. I have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and am about 5 feet 3 inches. I'm really good at Quidditch. I grew up riding my mothers broomstick. How do I sign up for my houses Quidditch team? My magic first showed when I was around 3 years-old. I was watching my grandma walk our dog and the dog started flying straight at me. It was amazing. My family really loved how my magic showed at a young age. Hogwarts has had amazing teachers. How many of the original teachers are still there? I can't wait to come. I just have a few questions. When does the library close? Are there any clubs first years can join? Finally, how do I sign up for my house Quidditch team? Thank you so much.