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Sorin Vladislav
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,2 cm walnut wood and veela hair
Age: 11
Height: 5'6
Weight: 96Ibs

Physical Description: Often called a perfect balance of his mother and father(by those who know both), Sorin has brown curly hair, is taller than most in his year and has similar resemblance to his father when he was Sorin's age. Sorin has hazel green eyes which seem to change color in the sun, when not at school he enjoys wearing jeans and a plain shirt or long-sleeve. Despite being 5'6 he has a lean built, with a bit of muscles from playing football.

Personality: Fairly level-headed kid, Sorin enjoys exploring when given the chance; genuinely into learning he can be found with 2 or 3 books in his possession. Although he likes keeping to himself, his small group of friends would deem him the most loyal of them. From a young age Sorin became well aware of the Wizarding World, prevented from practicing spells he instead relied on his fathers books for basic knowledge.

History: As an 11 year old boy I don't believe I have much history, so I guess I'll tell you're more interested in my memories and family tree. Well I come from a Florin and Ejuvwe Vladislav, odd names I know but my father is Romanian and my mother Nigerian. My fathers family had moved to London generations ago and soon discovered they were wizards and very good at it. My mothers family were originally from Nigeria but someone decided to move to London, so they soon too realized they had abilities. I don't actual know how my parents met, I could ask them... anyways I have two older siblings and a younger one. Sofia and Ştefan are 4 years older than me and Simu is 7.

With our parents being wizards were learnt about the Wizarding world pretty early, the twins magic also began surfacing when they were 6; I was 2 at the time, we had a Nanny the twins didn't approve of. I don't remember what she tried making them do by they throw their toys at her without touching them once. She quit soon after. I experienced my own magical abilities 3 years after, my friend Luke had gotten in trouble and had his toy taken away from him. He waited patiently till recess to get them back as was customary for taken toys, but our teacher refused to give it to him. He obviously starts crying and she begins to lecture him on why he couldn't get it back. I don't remember too clearly what happened but I believe I got frustrated with the situation. Some surrounding kids began to cry as well causing the room grow increasingly louder. In just a couple seconds she'd lost control of her room, I do remember wanting the noise to stop, trying desperately to block out the by covering my ears. I screamed for everyone to be quiet, in that same moment a force seemed to burst from my body causing the shelf with taken toys to collapse. It merely missed my teachers shoulder, but it give her such a fright that she didn't chastise any student who took their toys back, including Luke.

I don't really know what else to say, but I'm very excited to be at Hogwarts. I can't wait to meet the professors and make new friends.