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Evangeline Moore
Doncaster, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Evangeline Moore is the youngest girl born into the Moore family bloodline. She is muggle-born, which caused her several disadvantages in her lifetime being she couldn’t properly use her magic being she was surrounded by non-magical people. She was born in Doncaster, England, she is a tan girl with long dirty blonde hair. Evangeline found herself interested in the world of magic around the age of 6, only being she sometimes accidentally made things levitate, but since she was born onto parents with no magic surging through their veins she could not pursue the urge to learn more about this.

Evangeline was always the quiet kid at school, she kept her grades up and she studied hard, she never had many friends but everyone knew she was friendly and was a kind-hearted person. She did manage to find a few people that she didn’t mind hanging out with but she never once mentioned anything of the magic surging through her veins. She was always careful when out and about because she’d noticed that she couldn’t really control her magic, she was scared that she would accidentally hurt someone, this being one of the reasons she isolated herself from others. Her powers surfaced around the age of 5 on accident, she was playing with toys and one began to levitate, she never mentioned it to anyone as the years had gone by, she said that it was her little secret.

Evangeline’s family never really caused any problems in Doncaster, they were quite a lovely family, friends with everyone. Except for Evangeline, she was quiet and she stayed home most of the time whilst her family was out adventuring, she never had many friends being she felt different and she was scared someone would find out that she was different. Her family wasn’t rich, they were surely on the poorer side of life, they made do with what they had, and Evangeline nor her siblings ever had to doubt there would be food on the table everyday. Her parents always assured they would be taken care of, they never had to worry about a thing. Her father worked a job not too far out of their town, her mother always stayed home to get the children up for the school day ahead of them, and the long nights to come. This family was simple, like any other town in Doncaster, except for one thing that they themselves knew nothing of, Evangeline had a little secret of her own that made her family not so ordinary.