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Morris Miller
Wizard born
16 Apr 2008
Aust, England
Third year, Slytherin
32,6 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Name: Morris Miller
Location: Aust, England
Height: 5 ft 8 inch


Morris Miller is a man English wizard born in Aust, England, but having grown up in London. Raised by his parents, Morris had a happy childhood, surrounded by "normal" children.

But his father, Charles, always told him that one day he will experience a milestone that will change his destiny forever. The young boy suspected that it had to do with his father's powers, able to levitate objects or to throw destructive lines of light, but he never asked too many questions about it. It all happened at once. Morris was at a store one day and he couldn't reach a bottle of soda. He was just able to have the soda bottle rise off of the shelf into his cart.

No, Morris was a carefree child, hardworking in his muggle class, as his father called them, and playing with his friends on the streets of London. Unfortunately, his father worked in the ministry before his fall, and Morris had little time to spend with him. He then developed a strong bond with his mother, Irene. When he received his letter for Hogwarts, he was very happy, and went to tell his mother. But the latter retorted that it was his father that he should see.

The latter taught him the essentials of what he needed to know about this school, Magic, and their worlds. His father left him the choice: either he continued normal life, or he joined this enchanted world. It was at this precise moment that Morris the child had become Morris the young wizard. Armed with his courage and the love of his parents, he decided to follow his father's path.


Morris is a serious child, but he is not afraid to disobey orders to help his friends. Ignoring everything about his true nature, he is now curious and seeks to learn new things about this world. A fan of Muggle football, Quiditch was a revelation to him. Above all, he wants to find his place in the world. He remains particularly close to his parents, especially his powerless mother.


Morris physically corresponds to the average English child. He is white, of Caucasian ethnicity. It is not particularly strong, but it is not a gringalet either. He is chestnut, brown eyes and he has a big dull birthmark on the arm, near the armpit.