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Leo Lionheart
Wizard born
Birmingham, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,1 cm red oak wood and unicorn hair
I am born in a wizarding family with a connection to the Gryffindor family . I am brave and courageous . My family has a lot of magical pets like kneazles and we treat them dearly . I have jet black hair , red eyes , and very pale skin . When i was a baby , magical things started happening around me . I had once made my toys levitate when I was playing with them. That was the first time magic happened to me . Every member of my family has been to Hogwarts school , with excellent grades and skills .
I am very excited for hogwarts as I have been dreaming of the moment I am getting sorted into my house . I also loved quidditch since young . I have a magpies uniform , I got it for my birthday from my parents . I love charms and defence against the dark arts from reading it from books . My parents excelled defence against the dark arts when they were at Hogwarts .
I do not have friends , if there are , they are fake . This is probably because I look girly. I love wands , unfortunately , I can't have one yet until I am going to buy my school books . I have a very optimistic mind , sometimes a little bit too much and I may not have friends because of this . I live at the top of the hill at Birmingham , where i can see the entire city . I love bird watching at my balcony as I can see a lot of nice birds . I am really looking forward to going to Hogwarts and meeting my fellow friends going to Hogwarts like my bestie , Nick S. .If I could buy a owl , I will name it lil' reddie . I am super excited that I am about to explore the wizarding world .