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Donovan Wyrick
Glasgow, Scotland
Second year, Slytherin
28,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Age: 11
Weight: 81 lbs
Height: 4’7”

Donovan’s mother Katherine Thomson is a witch from Edinburgh while his father David Wyrick is a muggle from Glasgow. Donovan’s parents met when Katherine’s job had her transfer to Glasgow. She met David and tried keeping away until she couldn’t his resist his charms and found herself getting hitched to the darn muggle. Shortly after, Donovan Wyrick was born on a particularly snowy winter morning. His parents held him extra close so as to stay warm amidst the cold weather outside. Fortunately, the harsh winter climate didn’t bother the young wizard as he continued to grow. He looks like a mini version of his father what with his blonde locks and green eyes. If you look closely, however, he has his mother’s button nose and cheeky grin.

One jovial winter day, the Wyricks were all outside their Glasgow family townhouse playing in the snow when suddenly the snowman Donovan had made started to whistle and tap-dance to the tune of Frosty the Snow Man. It was then that Katherine and David knew their little boy was getting older and that magic flowed through his veins. They were thrilled when Donovan’s letter from Hogwarts came in, as the prestigious school was Katherine’s alma mater.

Donovan is eager yet cautious as to what his experience at Hogwarts will be like. Hearing about it from mom was one thing, but actually living it is quite another!