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Marcus Aldahn
Birmingham, England
First year, Slytherin
28,3 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Marcus Aldahn learned at an early age that he must do what it takes to one day become the man he's supposed to be. His father has always implemented into his head that he was born for greatness, and although this belief still runs strong in his young mind, his clashing with other children has challenged what he thought was right. Slowly approaching his teens, he's learning that he's not always the good guy in the story. Kids have called him a bully. Once, he was even called a monster.

These confusing perspectives have made Marcus a very quiet child. He is afraid of speaking too much because he might let slip his usual angry demeanor. Being quiet allows him to control his emotions. To think.

The first time Marcus awakened his inner magic, he became almost obsessed with trying to conquer it. It was an accident the first time, completely out of his control. His mother and father have always argued, sometimes neglecting the needs of their child in the process. One day, Marcus had enough. He confronted his parents about their arguing, asking what their problems were with each other. He was tired of being left in the dark about their family issues. His father didn’t allow such behavior from his child.

Yelling ensued. Marcus was frightened, and so he ran to his room. As his father chased him through the halls of their mansion, Marcus used his magic unintentionally to protect himself. Doors would close in his father’s face before he could get to Marcus. Once he locked himself in his room, he was safe. His father approached him, surprised at his use of magic. It seemed that in his fear, he had barely noticed what he was doing.

Since then, Marcus has tried experimenting with this magic but has ultimately failed. What was it about the first time that activated it? He did it behind his parent’s back until, after a good few weeks, he was caught by his mother. She was always what grounded him when he was getting a bit rebellious. The complete opposite of what his father does. His father usually encourages his acts of anger and violence towards those unworthy of him, as long as it wasn’t towards his parents. As dysfunctional as the family might be, Marcus's mother was the least devilish. Still delusional, however. Along with Marcus.