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Robin Watkins
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,2 cm blackthorn wood and phoenix feather

Robin is a slender, tall boy. His eyes are a jaded green, standing out in a striking contrast to his mocha complexion. His hair is usually cropped short, lips full, and his cheekbones high. His brows are neat, groomed even, arching over those eyes of his.

He has a quiet nature to him, a shy smile, and a polite turn. Robin is a sweet boy, always friendly toward others and enjoys making a person smile.

Outside of school he wears t-shirts and blue jeans. Sneakers and hats. He loves to play hockey, and has an invested interest in Quidditch.

As much as he likes the Weird Sisters, he's more of a Bent-Winged Snitches fan. Along with music, he has a love of art and reading, even writing. Not much of a poet, he finds himself writing fanciful stories about Muggles and their day to day life. Some might even think he's a little envious of the simple born Muggles.

He has a keen mind for Wizards chess, and loves to challenge anyone that will give him a good game. He's as amicable at winning as he is at losing. Never rubbing it in someone's face or being a poor sport at his losses.  He sees every experience as a learning one, and tries to gain wisdom from the actions of others and his own.

Over all, Robin is a good kid, with a genuine manner.

Robin's mother, Tiana Watkins, works for the Ministry in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The Beast, Being and Spirit Divisions. His father, Julius Watkins works in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes for the Muggle-Worthy Excuses Committee.

He aspires to follow his mother's footsteps one day. Magical and fantastical beasts are an amazing thing, and something that he was a trill of learning about.

He has one brother, Sylas Watkins, who is six years old, and one sister Ripley Watkins who is two.

Robin and his family all reside in London. 

When Robin was eight years old, he was outside playing with a group of his friends. They were playing a game of tag. Robin was running after his friend Michael when he tripped over a stick. He instantly thought to himself, "I wish I could fly!" And his fall slowed down till it seemed like he simply floated toward the ground rather than falling. 

That was his first incident with magic.