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August Winslow
Havering, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
29,4 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
August: a month in the year.

The most common question he got asked was whether he was born in August and the most common reaction was a laugh when he responded that no, he was born in February.

August, the boy not the month, was from a family of hundreds. Well, technically he had three sisters and one mum and one dad if family was defined by blood. If it was defined by who was there as you grew up, who schooled you and helped you when you were upset, then he had too many family members to count.

It wasn’t a commune as people assume. It was a trailer park with caravans and tents and fire pits and metal tub baths and a lot of freedom. They moved a lot, their big line of vehicles travelling all over the United Kingdom until they chose a random spot to live in for the next few days or weeks.

His school was sitting with kids of all ages and filling out workbooks whilst they got taught everything from maths to astronomy. God, he loved school. The days of water fights and roasting s’mores and having to clean out their own poop.. it was a holiday for some people but it was his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

August Winslow was born on a rainy morning in February when his two older sisters were napping and his dad was out working. It was such an easy birth for Gloria Winslow that she had to name her first little boy August, for magnificent and great.

His childhood was spent laughing and exploring and learning about everything from the ground to the sky. It was almost sad when someone showed up at their trailer to hand deliver a letter about August and wizardry. They took a few days to figure out how they would work this, if he should go and whether it would be beneficial.

London was where he was born eleven years ago and he hadn’t returned since but now he was. To get a wand and books and to learn about people who got more strange looks than them. They fit in with the crowd and August felt safe thinking about the future.

August is a lanky eleven year old with pale skin and thin brown hair that he got from his father. A round face was defined by a heart dimpled chin and sharp lips. His eyes jumped from grey-blue to green-blue depending on the lighting.

He’s quiet and can come across as shy, though he is more than comfortable in groups and has confidence with recognising his emotions. His strengths lie within kindness, an open mind and curiosity whilst his weaknesses focus on sometimes too much independence, not enough self-love and his ability to trust even the worst people.

The first magical experience that he had went unnoticed by everyone but his younger sister. They were nine and eight respectively, when the close pair were exploring in a nearby forest at their campsite. She was racing ahead whilst August wandered behind, just quick enough to keep an eye on the flashes of red hair between the trees. Her speed meant that her ability to focus on where her feet went was limited and a single turn back to make sure her brother was still following her had her accidentally in line for a tree. Her name (Elsbeth, or Elsie if you knew her) was shouted just as she had shut her eyes, ready to get a face full of wood when a tug at her stomach suddenly had her on the floor, just next to the tree but close enough that her shoulder was resting against the bark from where she lay.

When August reached her, he chastised her for not looking where she was going and how much dad would fuss if she hurt her pretty face whilst he was meant to be looking after her. Elsie, on the other hand, was confused as to how she didn’t run into the tree, which may have well been in front of her nose before she felt the movement. The incident wasn’t spoken of again (in fear that they might not be allowed to explore alone in the future) until the family were discussing how they hadn’t a clue about any of the accidental magic August might have displayed growing up. The ten year old explained the scenario carefully, a suggestion that essentially proved the magic in the boy as well as aided the journey that would take her big brother away from her for way too long.