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Eyme Root
Wizard born
Arthog, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
35,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Name Eyme Root
Pronounced eye-mee
Birthdate August 2nd
Age Eleven
Height 4'10"
Weight 84 lbs.

Eyme is an eleven year old girl who's Taiwanese on her mother's side and Welsh on her father's side. Her skin is pale pink, pale almost like ivory. Her hair is shoulder length and bushy brown with bangs that brush her brows. Her eyes are medium-sized and dark, honey brown. Eyme's mid-sized and doesn't seems to weigh very much but she's nimble on her feet and stronger than she appears.

Eyme is a sweet and clever girl who's daring. Most people wouldn't think she's daring because of how quiet she is but her actions speak louder than her words, or the lack of them. She laughs and giggles a lot, sometimes at the wrong times because her sense of humor is a little wacky. Eyme is good at figuring out things and magnates to anything that smells like a puzzle or mystery. School and magic comes easy to her so she spends a lot of time being venturesome and expanding her knowledge, even if it's not in the most honorable of ways.

Eyme grew up in a small family consisting of three people: Eyme, her father Tobas, and her older brother Eyan. Her mom passed away when she was born so her father had to take care of them both growing up while balancing a busy job in the Ministry. Luckily Eyme and her brother, who's just a year older, were able to attend a prestige private school that had secret classes for wizards. Eyme had a lot of fun there while she explored her passions, which are art and writing.

Her magic first surfaced when she six, when Eyme was planting raddish seeds in a garden bed and they began to grow right between her fingertips. It was like fast-forwarding a movie!

Fun Fact Eyme has four cats named Pauline, St. Patrick, King, and Lightning McQueen!

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