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Brannelle Tarre
Northampton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
On the 6th of September, a young witch named Brannelle Tarre was born somewhere not so important in Canada. When she was four years old her parents decided to immigrate to the U.K., taking up residence in a town called Northampton, where she and her siblings grew up. Although they went to public school, surrounded by non-magic children constantly, Brannelle and her siblings were taught about their magical heritage from their closest family and friends. Most of the 'family' part was on her father's side, since he's a Wizard-Born while her mother is a Muggle-Born. Brannelle and her siblings turned out as Half-Blood because of their mixed bloodlines.

Brannelle looks quite ordinary as little girls go. Her skin is light tan and soft. She has long, light blonde hair that reaches to the middle of her back. Her eyes are pale, silvery grey like the moon at its brightest, and they're enunciated even more because of how big her eyes are. She stands at five foot one and her weight varies between seventy-five to eighty pounds.

Most consider Brannelle to be a good friend. She's very thoughtful and rarely hesitates to give others a helping hand, even when she has more than enough problems herself. She's often found smiling through the tough times, mostly because she's quite optimistic. Brannelle believes in the good in everyone and that often leads her to make decisions based off of her naivety and gullibility. Even after the worst things Brannelle is found trying to comfort everyone else because, hey, who even wants to be sad?

But she's not all 'rainbows and sunshine'. When things get competitive—in her opinion—like in sports and academics, Brannelle unleashes the part of her that cares nothing except for her desire to 'win'. At these times she's found to be surprisingly cunning and clever, to the point where people question everything they'd ever thought about little ole Brannelle.

Brannelle's magic first came about when she was seven. She was visiting her grandfather, the muggle one, and she and her cousins were watching him fix his radio. Her cousins were bigger than her—she was tinier than usual when she was a toddler—and she grew anxious because she couldn't see or help with anything. She screamed in frustration and all of the lights in the shed flickered off briefly but noticeably. Then Brannelle knew about magic and was warned not to mention it to certain kinds of people, but to her relief her grandfather dismissed it as 'this blasted electricity'. When she got home her parents were beyond excited to hear the good news but she had to learn to control her emotions more.