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Leona Fairlock
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,0 cm chestnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
I'm Leona Fairlock,
I reside in a small home in London with my mother and father. I was born with muggle parents but, I was told I was adopted. Even that being the case I still love my mum and dad very much.
I stand as average height of an eleven year old of 4'9 and have a small waist. My skin is pale in comparison of a ghost yet what stands out is my long golden curly locks that goes down to mid back but keep it up in a ponytail to keep out of the way but, while in a ponytail my hair tends to go over my left shoulder. My eyes shine like gold and dulls into a brown depending on my mood.
I like to read and write. I find myself out in the woods near my home by a creek to relax and read to let time go by. I'm lonely due to my shyness of others and they to keep my studies up just tend to be misworded at times.
The first bout of magic occurred when I was six years old trying to reach a book my mother put up high on a shelf (for she tried to get me out of the house to make friends) the book floated down into my hands. The next time was when I was eight I had gotten scared of a thunderstorm and couldnt find my favorite stuffie Mia lioness that she appeared right next to me.