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Amelia Weaver
London, England
First year, Slytherin
34,1 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Amelia Weaver was born February 16, 2008. Amelia grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. Her parents separated when she was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home. She is 11 years old and couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts. Her parents had told her a lot about it and she was very excited to get her letter. Her first accident with magic was when she was 5 years old. She was being scolded for drawing on the walls and wasn't happy about it; she started throwing a tantrum. In the midst of her tantrum she had turned her mothers hair purple. When she saw her mother she stopped crying and started laughing at her moms new hair; her mother couldn't help but to laugh with her.

Amelia is kind of shy when it comes to talking to others. She won't start a conversation, but if someone was to walk up to her and start talking, she would continue the conversation. When people get to know her, she is mostly friendly and is always there for her friends, but she can also be very frank and a bit stubborn. She's upfront about her opinions and thinks telling the truth is better than lying.

Books, food, music, animals, dragons, honesty, rain

Dishonesty, lying, drama, horror

Physically, Amelia is short for her age, and is quite skinny. She has long, brown, wavy hair and sparkling, dark brown eyes.

Amelia doesn't have a favorite color yet, she loves every color of the rainbow, She loves animals and magical creatures very much; one of her favorites being dragons. She thinks they're beautifully dangerous creatures and wants to learn more about them. Amelia also doesn't care what kind of blood you have. She was raised to give everyone a chance and not discriminate on whether someone is muggle-born, half-blood, or pure-blood.