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Hana Seong
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Hana Seong was born in Korea but moved to London at the age of 2. She is very competitive but intelligent and has a lot of wisdom.  She has a mother, who is a witch, and a father as well as a brother who are both muggles. Her mother had told her about witching and wizarding but didn't teach her any magic. It was the night before her 11th birthday. She was reading with her mother and then suddenly, the page started turning by themselves! This was Hana's sign that she was magic. As for Hana's looks, she has dark brown hair, with bangs, and dark brown eyes. A few things Hana enjoys doing is reading, stargazing, studying, astronomy, tea, and the smell of paper. Although she doesn't play video games for over 2 hours and reads every day! She is also very tall for her age, standing at 5'2 at only the age of 11. Hana especially likes to read poems and regular novels. You can always catch her by the library or at the common room practicing her handwriting, journaling, reading, or simply just studying for up coming tests. Hana will sometimes decide to star gaze during the night time and fill out her astronomy chart which she treasures. A few foods, candies, and drinks she enjoys are, pumpkin pasties, pumpkin juice, tea, butter beer, and chocolate frogs. She also collects chocolate frogs cards sometimes.