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Nixy Lionfire
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,0 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
name: Nixy
last name: lionfire
age: 11
birthday: 24/07
height: 1,60m
hair color: Very Light Blonde/ash blonde
hair type: long, curly
skin: fairly light.
eye color: Turqoise (blue/green)
Family Pet: Black Cat named Neko
favorite color: Blue
favorite kitchen: Asian
fears: spiders
Dreams: she is planning to follow in her parents footsteps but wishes to become a divination teacher like her grandmother

Nixy is very comitted to her dreams and work. She is nice to everyone even to the mean kids as she knows better than to lower herself to their level. she fights for whats right and doesn't easily give up. she barely has enemies. Sports arent her thing as she has a love for singing.

Nixy comes from a pure bloodline of witches and wizards. Nixy looks up to her grandmother a lot, who was really talented at divination, and loves to listen to her stories. Her family has high expectations and put quite the pressure on their only daughter. she speaks several languages like french, spanish and chinese because of her family. She grew up in a mantion in Londen.
Nixy's first time using magic on accident was when she was having homeschooled classes. Her private teatcher was hired by her parents to help Nixy discover her magic, which was pointless since you can't force such a thing, but her parents were quite pushy and determined.
when Nixy got tired and annoyed by her teacher she started to imagine all kinds of funny accidents to her teacher like slipping and tearing her pants, which happened all of the sudden and when nixy started laughing it became worse as her teacher tried standing up and instantly falling again, hurting her butt in the procces. ones they came to the conclusion of Nixy having magic and instantly fired the teacher as there was no use for her anymore.

Mother: Serene Lionfire Rose
work: ministry of magic, jury
Father: Jonathan Lionfire
work: ministry of magic, jury
Grandmother (father's side): Elisabeth Lionfire
work: retired, used to be a divinaton teacher