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Kex Kirkland
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Kex Kirkland is a young boy from Edinburgh, Scotland. He was raised by his pure-blood parents.
He has curly black hair and mossy green eyes. His family has a long heritage of Slytherins in it. He has always hoped to be sorted into that house as he desperately wants to live up to the expectations of his family.

Although his family have strong magical ties it was somewhat of a shock when Kex blew his windows out after a particularly bad nightmare. Although it did serve to show that he, like his siblings, would be magically inclined.

He has an older brother and sister who have both graduated from Hogwarts already. They were both Slytherin and done very well, leaving the school as well as respected students.

Despite his insecurities, he has always known what the future holds for himself. A place in Slytherin, a close-knit group of friends and thoughts of a love interest.

He is fascinated by all things history and often likes to wander Edinburgh gardens and gave upon the large castle that sits upon the legendary rock. He is looking forward to finding out more about the magical history of Scotland and Britain.

He has never been a huge fan of Quidittich, unlike his siblings and peers. He [refers to delve into Herbology, Potion making and of course History.

He is a great lover of food and is enchanted by the tales of Great Fests gone, in the Great Hall at Hogwarts.
Of course, being Scottish, he was raised on a diet of Porridge, Haggis, Aberdeen Steak pies and Cranachan.

He has a sombre side to him, bordering on melancholy, but overall has an optimistic view on the future.