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Ethen Emrys
Cork, Ireland
Fifth year, Quidditch Player, Hufflepuff
25,6 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Encyclopedia Link: Here
Name: Ethen Emrys
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Age: 13
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Ethen tends to feel and act rather out of place or clueless in most situations as he meanders through his peculiar life. However, his kind heart and strong desire to help others has him push through his general awkwardness. Ethen always has a smile on his face no matter the peril, this may be because he rarely understands the peril, but nonetheless he is willing to face it with his friends.

Not truly a social butterfly, Ethen prefers several close friends as opposed to a collection of many although he remains friendly to all. As long as he is helping others, he is happy.

Born in southern Ireland to Reahla and Gregory Emrys, Ethen spent his earliest years in a small village before his family relocated to South Africa for his mother's work as a magizoologist. Growing up largely away from any semblence of civilization, Ethen developed a curious knack for absurd and rowdy behavior. This was only amplified during visits from his family's closest friends the Reids.

At ten Ethen was stealing an egg from a particularly angry hen in their family coop. The bird did all it could to destroy Ethen in his great heist but in the end it was no match. Ethen had made off with the great treasure of the singular egg. Raising it above his head in triumph and to taunt the bird, Ethen laughed peering at the egg until the egg suddenly cracked open without warning splattering the yoke across his face.

The great egg incident reminded his family that the time would be soon upon them for Ethen to learn how to properly use his gifts. Moving back to Ireland with the coming of their second child, Ethen received his owl with the acceptance into Hogwarts. Terrified but eager, Ethen and his mother gathered the supplies he would need awaiting that final day before he would begin the next chapter of his life.