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Atlas Reid
22 Jan 2008
Baleshare, Scotland
Sixth year, Quidditch player, Hufflepuff
25,8 cm dogwood wood and unicorn hair

Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Age: 13
Height: 5'0
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Unique Features: A subtle dimple on her left cheek and she usually has scrapes and cuts on her knees and elbows from roughhousing.
Elijah Reid (Father) - Auror
Isla Reid neé Craig (Mother) - Department of Mysteries
Atlas is known for her extreme confidence and wit. She knows her strengths and never backs down from a good challenge as she is fiercely competitive. Atlas can be very sarcastic and enjoys a verbal bout. Above all else, she is unwaveringly loyal to her friends. Free-spirited, Atlas loves to travel and explore other worlds. Being on the move and investigating the unknown is where her heart and soul flourishes. The adrenaline of adventure always spurs her forward, eager to round each bend. Her huge imagination and determination push her to achieve whatever she sets her mind to with her goal to make life extraordinary and unique.
Born out on the small island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides, Elijah Reid began life amidst a small population of only 1,174. While somewhat isolating, the small island also allowed Elijah the chance to know nearly everyone across the island in some capacity. Even young, Elijah was well informed, knowing everyone’s jobs, likes and dislikes and even much of their reasoning for staying in such a diminutive place. His parents and he were the only set of wizards throughout the island, an intentional precaution to protect Elijah whilst he grew up. To give him some semblance of normality if even just for some of his childhood.

In the great Scottish city of Edinburgh, Isla Craig was born to a baker and decently successful author. Isla grew up in the midst of a menagerie of sweet and savory scents flowing from her father’s various concoctions that filled the home. Some of her earliest and fondest memories were standing on her father’s feet while she helped to add ingredients to a culinary masterpiece, or at the very least her masterpiece. Her mother, on the other hand, would usually be found in her loft scribbling away at novels and textbooks. This left somewhat little time to bond with Isla, however, the girl never minded as her father always had ample time and seemed to perform best with Isla as his little assistant. No matter how busy he got, there was always a place on his feet for his young daughter.

Elijah and Isla met one another during their first year at Hogwarts in their mutual Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Both agreed that it was their favorite class but held different reasoning. Elijah, who was sorted into Slytherin, had no real exposure to any sorts of dark magic while on Barra which made him anxious to learn what he may be up against. While Isla, sorted into Hufflepuff, was most intrigued due to her father’s nightly bedtime stories. No matter the story, her father always found a way to sneak in a monster or two. Always believing these monsters to be stories, she was now interested to see which of them were real.

From the first day, the pair were inseparable. Not romantic at first, but as best friends. From doing homework together, sharing meals and even going with one another to the Winter Ball in their fifth year, they were always with each other. After graduating from Hogwarts, they decided to travel to Africa together to see the massive school there. There they met and became close friends with the celebrated magical creatures researcher Alice Emrys. Professor Emrys was able to fulfill their dream of seeing Tebos and Erumpents up close. On there last night there, Elijah took Isla into the jungle to see a flock of Fwoopers. Putting on their earmuffs and trudging through thick vines and plenty of webs until they found nests, it ended up being the most beautiful sight either of them had seen. At least fifty Fwoopers of all manner of colors surrounded Isla as she turned to Elijah to kiss him. However, he was not where he normally stood. Looking down, she saw him holding a beautiful pearl ring that had been made from an oyster they found snorkeling. They married three weeks later and quickly purchased their home in Edinburgh, there was little chance Elijah would ever wish to go back to Barra.

Their skill, intellect and impressive test scores made it quite easy for them both to land prestigious jobs within the Ministry. Elijah became an Auror as he had wanted and Isla worked within the Department of Mysteries. Both holding their dream jobs their life had fallen so perfectly into place after they graduated and now as a family together they couldn’t be happier.

Four years later, their family grew. Atlas Fae Reid joined their small family, named for their love of traveling, they were certain that the girl would learn to share their passion. Isla and Elijah agreed that they would have only one child so that they would be able to love Atlas unconditionally. Isla had decided she didn’t wish to repeat the relationship that she had had with her own mother, wanting to always be there for Atlas.

Atlas’ curiosity began quite quickly, following in the footsteps of her parents, as a toddler she was vehement in getting into things she wasn’t supposed to. One of her favorite childhood games was to run around, stick in hand, trying to cast spells on her mother and father. While she had a stick for a wand and spoke spells of gibberish, Elijah made sure his daughter never felt disappointed by dressing up as all manner of monsters to be vanquished by Atlas. He never wanted to stifle her incredible imagination.

Travel had always been a central part of Atlas’s life growing up. On occasion, their travels would take them to Africa where her parents would meet with old friends and their son. At six, they had all taken a camping trip out in Madagascar. While laying out in the sun on a picnic blanket, Atlas read out loud to her father in between bites of papaya and mango as she grumbled trying to hold the bowl steady in her hand and turn the pages. Feeling her agitation grow, Atlas pursed her lips as the pages swiftly turned over without her touching them. Elijah looked at his daughter and smiled, thankful his daughter was a witch as he went inside to tell Isla.

From the ages of six to eleven, Atlas and her family continued to go on at least two trips a year if not more. Atlas’ favorites became Egypt, Russia, India, and England. Whenever they visited any of the countries, Atlas and her family did what they could to speak the local languages as her parents wanted the young girl to know as many languages and cultures as she could. At a young age, Atlas knew that she really wanted to be like her father and “protect the witches and wizards from the darkness.”

At the age of ten, Atlas and her father went to India with one another while her mother was forced to stay behind due to an emergency at work. While there, Elijah was honored with a private dinner with the esteemed Prime Minister for his apprehension of Keevar Sondoran, a wanted murderer who had killed 50 people throughout New Delhi. For the dinner, Elijah had taken Atlas to a seamstress to get her very own Sari, decorated with her favorite colors of teal and gold. Small dragons adorned the trim to round out the piece. Afterward, he even accompanied the girl to a salon so that she could have her hair done with some light makeup, wanting the girl to feel like a princess for the day. The dinner itself was filled with all manner of smells and colors for foods and drink that Atlas had never seen before. Her father attempted to tell her what each dish was but Atlas, for the most part, didn’t know what he was saying. Atlas made sure she tried each dish, no matter how intimidating it looked, to make sure she offered no offense to the Prime Minister. Her favorite had by far been the Chicken Tikka Masala.

While there, they found some time to visit the Taj Mahal which brought the young girl to tears. It had been the most beautiful thing she had yet seen and didn’t wish to leave. She could not believe that muggles had the ability to build things so grand without the aid of wands or magic. Their ingenuity and ability to overcome impressed her and imprinted a sense of awe towards the people.

When back in Edinburgh, Atlas missed the Taj Mahal so much that her father had helped her construct an elaborate treehouse that looked like a miniature one. It was adorned with a clear orb as the roof so that they could stargaze together. The opening night of their creation, Atlas and her parents had a sleepover in it and slept there until the morning. While her parents slept, Atlas thought it would be funny if she arranged several large fake spiders around them so that they would wake with a bit of a fright. She had always enjoyed the look of terror on her family and friends' faces when she spooked them and often her parents would be on edge if they couldn’t find her knowing that she may pop out from anywhere. To her delight, she woke to the sounds of her surprised father cursing at the little spiders before joining in with her laughter.

Perhaps her favorite time scaring someone was on one of the family trips to Egypt. As they usually did while in Africa, they had met with the Emrys family and one of the nights she had hid within a closet for nearly an hour waiting for the Emrys’ oldest child, Ethen. Before bed, the boy went to the closet to find his clothes only to be greeted by a wailing Atlas. In panic and complete bewilderment, the young boy nearly left his skin as he fell back with a scream. His confidence in opening the closet followed by the purest display of fear left Atlas nearly crying with laughter as the boy lay on the floor trying to regain his composure.

Atlas’ early life had been filled with bliss and adventure nearly uninterrupted by the usual toils of life. However, shortly before her 11th birthday, her father had been late to return home and even missed their family dinner which he made sure to never do. Slightly concerned, Isla had called the Ministry but they had said that he had yet to check-in that day. Not wanting to make Atlas nervous, Isla attempted, too little success, to hide her emotions and fear. Atlas knew that she needed to be strong, so she ran to comfort her mother with a hug. During that short embrace, her father appeared in their living room disheveled and nearly unconscious firmly gripping the kettle portkey that Atlas had given him for the previous Father’s day.

Pulling Elijah onto her back, Isla used the Floo Network to get the three of them to St. Mungo’s. Elijah was immediately taken back as it was clear that he had been a victim of the Cruciatus Curse. Neither Atlas nor her mother were able to see him that night and were told it may be best for them to go home. Other Aurors that Atlas recognized were posted outside of her father's room. Atlas didn’t wish to leave but understood that her father was more likely to recover quickly if he did not have to worry about maintaining appearances for them.

All that night, Atlas woke from nightmares of her father’s body lying on their living room floor. She wasn’t even aware that they had a portkey there. The next few days seemed to drag for Atlas, her time normally spent scheming was instead spent worrying about her father. Likewise, her mother had done little but nervously clean or play wizard’s chess. Finally, on Friday morning, Elijah walked through the door looking the same way he always had. The shine in his eyes back again as if nothing had ever happened. It wouldn’t be until years later that Atlas would actually learn what curse her father had been struck by. Immediately as her father came through the door, Atlas ran over and hugged his waist while her mother had tucked her head in his neck. Elijah had never explained to either of them fully what had happened only that the person had gotten away and eventually he would need to go after them again.

A month after her 11th birthday, she found an owl stuck in a tree out in their yard. He was fast asleep but still clutching a letter in his beak. After getting the poor clumsy bird down and getting him some food, she savagely tore open the letter knowing that it was her invitation to Hogwarts. It was only January so she would need to wait another 8 months to go but by the next day, she was already impatient. Thinking that if perhaps she stepped up the number of pranks on her parents they would ship her off early, Atlas unleashed a campaign of terror across her household for the next month. Nowhere was safe, but it was to no avail and she eased up some to allow her parents a chance to rest. She had heard so many incredible things about her parents' time at the school and spent the following months excitingly daydreaming about all of the mischief and adventures she would get up to.

In mid-August, her family took a little trip to Diagon Alley to pick out all of the supplies she would need for her first year. Heading off to Ollivander’s, she worked with the famous wandmaker to have a perfect wand selected. It took him nearly no time at all to pick out a wand of “Dogwood Wood and Unicorn Hair, 25.8cm” He had said the wand would suit her well as it enjoyed novelty and inventiveness and it would choose a curious-minded and independent wizard.

When she returned home from Diagon Alley, she couldn’t help but open all of her books and start reading them. However, she gave particular interest to her magical creatures and defense against the dark arts book. She even began practicing the hand movements of each new spell she read about as her father continued to attack her as each of the ‘deadly’ beasts of her childhood.