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Ainsley Wotersmith
Stirling, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
33,3 cm beech wood and dragon heartstring
Ainsley, a fun loving girl whose a little nuts and silly. She has long curly blonde hair that she styles often and green blue hazel eyes. She's 4'8 and she wears a lot of colorful makeup and clothes. Her sense of style would be what you call tacky.

On an average day before Hogwarts you could find her hanging out with her friends or older brother whom she was very close with. Her home life was perfect her family did argue but it never lasted long. Her parents were madly in love and it inspired her. Her parents weren't too over protective and she had a good bit of freedom. She still had rules she had to follow, and she never took advantage of her parents leanyincy. Though sadly her parents recently split up and her brother left to go to college. This left her on a rebelling streak and alone without her brother to guide her she was lost.

She started to push the boundaries that were set for her. After her rebelious out break she mellowed out and went back to normal. She had a new view on life and a new found passion for the arts. She also found comfort in writing letters to her brother and she's been doing that for two years. Her parents learned to never be easy on a nine year old and she learned that she has a lot to discover.

During that time she also had her first magical experience when she was at her friends it was late at night and she wanted to go home and that's all she thought about. When the lights in the house started to flicker as she laid on a palet and then they shattered. Her friends parents called her mom and dad to pick her up as they tried to figure out what happened.