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Kris Ang
Chesterfield, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,8 cm aspen wood and thunderbird tail feather
Kris was born in England to two Chinese immigrants. Her father, Ti Lin, was the heir of the Chinese pureblood Ang family while her mother, Chun Hua, was a muggleborn.
She was raised integrated with muggles and along with her older brother, was sent to muggle primary school. However, both parents used magic regularly inside the home and they grew up familiar with the wizarding world.
Kris displayed signs of magic as a toddler- especially when she was angry or scared. Notable events include her brother teasing her until she unwittingly levitated the water pitcher over his head and doused him and freezing a stray dog in place that was chasing her.
She tends to display an apathetic and indifferent front, but that's only because she finds it difficult to express her emotions and open herself up to people. The few people she truly connects with, she finds herself extremely protective of. She avoids conflict as much as possible because she finds it tiresome and doesn't like to make enemies, but this manifests as a stubborn neutrality which can frustrate the people around her. At times, she can be reckless with her words and actions so she has slips of cruelty but nevertheless she always tries to be a good person. With her friends, she has a quick wit and a sharp sense of humor and shows her affection by gently bullying them. Her passions include exploring philosophy and literature because despite her cynical attitude, she has a quite romantic and poetic notion of the world. She likes to creatively write.
Despite constant bickering with her brother, they have a positive relationship and they love to joke around. She likes that he isn't overly protective of her like their parents. She loves her parents but finds them overbearing because of their strict expectations, which can stress her out. She likes to pretend that she doesn't care about her grades which is a blatant lie so she tries really hard anyway.
Kris has long silky black hair, pale skin, and thin dark brown eyes. She stands pretty short at 154 cm.