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Kari Cartwrite
Belfast, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
25,9 cm mayhaw wood and troll whisker
Kari is a slender girl, small even for her age, with a bright personality. Her long brown hair, when wet, reaches to her thighs. She loves to wake up early and put her hair into interesting styles as her Mother is a hairdresser. Her favorite, and one she uses most often, is to wrap her hair in such a way it resembles a bow on the back of her head. She has worn glasses since she was 7, and is desperately blind without them.

Kari's upbringing was filled with joy and sweetness. Her mother, a soft spoken sweetheart, tried her hardest to make sure Kari's life was as full as it could be. Kari's father died before she was born so she doesn't even remember his likeness save for the pictures on the wall. After her father died his side of the family seemed to cease to exist in Kari's life. She doesn't know if she has any aunts or uncles on that side, but doesn't really need them. Her mother's side includes a loving grandmother, a pair of twin aunts who live together and have the cutest of cats.

Kari first started exhibiting magical accidents when she was 9. When her mother was trying to decide what color to dye a client's hair Kari changed her hair to match her mother's suggestions. It wasn't until her mother noticed her normally brunette daughter with bright blue hair that she became concerned with her daughters abilities.

The arrival of her letter was something that no one had expected. Outside of a concern that they wouldn't be able to afford the school supply list, her mother was open to the idea, if confused. Kari herself was increasingly excited as time went on to go and meet new people and find out more about this odd world she'd never heard of.