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Rhydian Morris
Galway, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
27,2 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Rhydian Morris was a rather unremarkable child. One of the ones many would see fall behind the curve and into the background. He was always shy, scared of what he may become. His parents were never shy on the details of the bad things that happened in the wizarding community, after all they were both reporters and it was their job to report on the stories of the world. This did not make it very easy for him growing up, knowing that eventually he would come into his powers and be thrust into this world he saw as so dangerous.

Rhydian was a very smart boy. He was quick witted and when he was in an environment he was comfortable in the shy cloak he wore would push to the side and reveal the true heart inside. As he grew up he started to feel safer in his own skin and began to come into himself more and more. By the time he received his letter he was more than ready to face the world with his chin held high.

Rhydian was not a particularly big child but was broad in his definition. His face was always flush with color, and the smile that played his lips was a permanent feature. He has crystal green eyes that could peer well into your soul in a way that felt almost soothing. His hair was always kept short and was a interesting brown with tones that hinted at copper or brass.

When Rhydian was attending a birthday party for one of his brothers friends, he had his first magical incident. A couple of the older boys had cornered him outside in the backyard and were bullying him. When Rhydian tripped the boys came down of him in a flurry of kicks and punches. Without warning or explanation Rhydian shouted for them to stop and the boys were launched backwards. He may have been hurt and scared but a small smile came to his lips that afternoon that could only come from someone that had finally fought back.

By the time Rhydian was off to school, nothing was more exiting to him. He was ready to finally live up to his parents expectations and become a real wizard.