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Alistair Blackwell
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Alistair Allan Blackwell was born in a small cozy little flat in London, England on April 1st. Ever since he was born Alistair was an child. Queer and peculiar things would happen around him. When he was young and he wanted something out of reach, it seemed to appear by his side, as if it were magic. This continued throughout his childhood, it became a normality for him. He just always assumed it was normal. At school Alistair was fairly popular, however at home he'd be quite lonely only having his family to keep him company. He did however like to listen to his grandfather's stories of the times of when he was young and when his Great Grandfather was still alive. Alistair knew it was all fake of course, magic and spells, but he enjoyed it all the same. Little did he know that in a few years he too would be off doing the same thing as his old Great Grandfather. His grandparents weren't too surprised but his parents, very much were. At first they wouldn't allow the bright boy attend the school for Witchcraft and Wizardry but they warmed up to the idea after the cheery boy begged and begged to go. Even when he was saying goodbye to his friends, saying he was off to boarding school of course he was happy. He told his friends that they'd see him throughout the summer and he'd be back on holidays and the like. Alistair didn't change very much after getting the letter, he was still his cheery and sociable self. Still loyal to his 'Muggle' friends, however he knew he was different from them he was happy he finally found a place where he wasn't going to be the only odd one.