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Moss Gray
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
29,4 cm pine wood and dragon heartstring
Something about me, well my name is Moss Gray, I'm 11 years old and I'm a witch. Well, that's at least what my mum says I am. You see my mum is a witch and my dad's a muggle (he's from America hence the spelling of my last name) so that makes me a half-blooded witch. I've lived in Glasgow my whole life but I love going and seeing new places. That's, why I was so excited when I got my letter from Hogwarts because I knew I was gonna, go on a great big adventure.

My dad always said to me that I look exactly like my mum. Mainly it's because we are both are short (I'm even below the average for an 11-year-old) and we both have outrageously frizzy red hair. While my mum says I look like my dad but that's only because I have his bright big blue eyes. But the thing we all have in common is our pale skin and freckles (which are everywhere).

You know you can find out a lot about someone depending on how their friends describe them. All my friends say that I'm too honest, and I've got to say I do agree with them. My big mouth has gotten me in trouble once or twice before. They also say I'm loyal to a fault, which is true, I will always stand by my friends no matter what. And they also say I can't make up my mind on anything they're right of course (but let's keep that between you and me).

You know I remember my first time using magic. I was eight at the time and this girl I knew Marci Clements was being mean to me. I got so angry that all I could see was red. Next thing I knew little old Marci was red too, oh you should have seen her face she was about to cry. Too bad a teacher came over before I could see that. Then the teacher called our parents about the whole situation. And my mum used the obliviate spell to remove the memory from the muggles. Problem solved.

Well, that's some interesting facts about me hope you enjoyed. :)