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Sayomi Suzuki
London, England
Second year, Slytherin
25,2 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Sayomi Suzuki was born in Birmingham. Grown up as an only child in the muggle world. Her parents taught from an early age to do things by herself. Some may say that they did so to avoid being parents, which may be true seeing that they did spend quite a lot of time at their jobs.
Even though she has japanese heritage, she can barely form a sentence in japanese. Something that makes it awkward whenever they visit family in Japan.

She can often seem like she is distant or judging. Which is an effort to upkeep her image as independent. Although she will do whatever she can to avoid direct conflict. Often telling half-truths in order to stay away from danger. Close relationships is something she isn't too experienced with.
She will do what she can to keep friends once she gets to know them, however she isn't the "jump to the rescue" type of person.

The first time Sayomi used magic was on her way home from school one day. For several weeks, her neighbours cat would suddenly, with a couple of days intervals hiss at, run after and scratch her. Sayomi would take detours to avoid it, flail a stick it towards it and started bringing a spray bottle with her. Her attempts at keeping the cat away never worked. And soon after more and more cats around her would turn aggressive, however keeping their distance.
So one day when the sky started to clear, her neighbours cat jumped around from a corner, startling her. Before Sayomi could react however, the water from a nearby puddle flew up and drenched the cat, sending him running away.